Permanent Shade/Sick No More
\MOYL\, intransitive verb:
1. To work with painful effort; to labor; to toil; to drudge.
2. To churn or swirl about continuously.
3. To die in an ocean of cheap metaphors of your own construction.
4. To try to do so.
5. To fail at dying this way.
6. To keep trying anyway.
7. To have hope for and faith in your eventual failure and to work diligently toward if forever with acceptance and warmth because your confidence comes from your understanding of your innate incompetence and your humility is a product of your strong sense of security and self worth and because you believe that traveling in circles might as well be the same as standing still and/or moving forward because the scenery doesn't change even when it does.
8. To fruitlessly invest in your own stock.